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Allergy Teatment

What is an allergy?

An allergy is an abnormal sensitivity or exaggerated reaction of the immune system to a substance, which, in the general public of people causes no symptoms at all. The substance that triggers the allergy is known as an allergen. Examples of allergens include plant pollen, puppy dander, insect venom, dust, mold, foods, and drugs. The body’s immune gadget makes an antibody, which is likewise a protein, called IgE, in response to being exposed to an allergen. humans with allergic reactions, make IgE antibody that is specific for the allergen that they’re allergic to, which then, in turn, can cause hypersensitive reaction symptoms. common conditions related to allergies are sneezing, itching, nasal congestion and drainage and are called allergic rhinitis, or more typically, hay fever. Eye itching and swelling are referred to as allergic conjunctivitis. allergies, eczema, and hives also can be conditions related to allergic reactions.

How do allergies develop?

Allergic reactions have a strong genetic factor. when you have allergic reactions, others on your family are likely to have allergies as well. If one parent has allergies, an infant has a 40% risk of getting allergies. If both dad and mom have allergies, there is a 7-8 in 10 chance that their offspring may have allergic reactions. despite the fact that kids can be born with a predisposition to develop hypersensitive reactions, they do no longer usually expand the same allergies as their dad and mom.
Unlike eczema and food allergic reactions, which may begin at a young age, inhalant allergies generally require numerous pollen seasons to expand. The signs and symptoms and signs of inhalant allergies are usually not apparent until 3 years of age or older. however allergic reactions can develop at any age with symptoms occurring later in life.Kids with allergies also are much more likely to increase asthma. it is predicted that 80% of children with allergies have proof of allergic reactions. therefore, recognizing and treating allergies can have a huge impact on lowering asthma signs.

What are the symptoms of allergies?

  • Runny Nose, Stuffy Nose, Sneezing
  • Wheezing, Shortness of Breath
  • Cough
  • Rashes
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Fever

Test for Allergy

Allergy assessments, mixed with the understanding of your allergy specialist to interpret them, can deliver particular facts as to what you’re or are not allergic to. testing carried out through an allergist is safe and effective for adults and children of all ages.
The maximum reliable and common test for allergies is a skin prick test(SPT). This simple, in office technique, introduces a very small quantity of a specific allergen or allergens decided on by the allergist based on your medical history. The allergen is delivered thru an indention or “prick” on the surface of the skin. The results are available within minutes allowing your allergist to broaden a treatment plan right away.
Blood assessments called RAST (radioallergosorbent ) can be performed while skin testing cannot due to medicines or skin conditions. results are not to be had immediately because it commonly takes a week or extra to gain results of RAST testing. Which tests are better, pores and skin or blood?
Allergy skin testing is the most correct and favored approach of evaluating allergies. these checks are safe, minimally invasive, and easily interpreted. Blood assays or RAST may additionally present the clinician with diagnostic challenges. research has shown variability among unique labs in order that results can be hard to interpret. Blood exams also might also have decreased sensitivity compared to skin trying out. depending on the character patient, more than one kind of test can be utilized for a correct diagnosis.

Allergy Treatment

The first step in treatment is to avoid contact with the substances that cause the allergic reaction. The avoidance of such contact helps improve the results of the treatment prescribed by the specialist and reduces the clinical manifestations.
Drugs provide relief from the symptoms of rhinitis and asthma. These medicines are known as symptomatic drugs and include antihistamines, corticoids, chromones, beta-adrenergic agents, theophyllines, etc. These substances provide relief from symptoms but will not eliminate the cause of the disease.
Popularly known as antiallergic vaccines, these treatments consist of progressively injecting repetitive allergen doses into patients to reduce or eliminate their sensitivity to the allergen. In most cases, such treatment lasts 3-5 years.
Immunotherapy is used to treat cases of allergy caused by sensitization to pollen, dust mites, animal epithelia, certain fungi, and bee and wasp venom. This treatment not only provides relief from symptoms but also modifies the natural course of the disease.

How to avoid allergies?

Obviously, you aren’t expected to live your life in a bubble, however, there are matters that can be carried out to reduce your exposure to specific allergens. for example, if you are allergic to dust, you may dust-proof your bedroom by the use of allergy-proof mattress and pillow covers. if you are allergic to pollen and/or grass, it is useful to hold your windows closed and to shower without delay following outdoor activities. there are many approaches to reduce down on the allergens in your environment. speak to your allergist about any facts that they can offer on allergy avoidance.

Is there any cure for allergies?

Allergy is a grossly heterogeneous, complex process involving multiple systems with a wide variety of manifestations. The first intention of allergy treatment should be focused around the local control of disease manifestations. Once we achieve the control, disease modification should be aimed at and this can only be attained by “Specific Allergen Immunotherapy”. Curability can definitely be obtained in quite a number of individuals with this modality along with maintenance of strict lifestyle norms. Patience and compliance are the keywords to cure your allergy!

What happens if my allergies go untreated?

Allergy is an immune hyperresponse phenomenon involving the notorious process of inflammation. If this inflammation proceeds unabated, definitely it tells upon the system involved leading to many permanent debilities and complications like fixed airway obstruction, Sinusitis, polyps, skin infections and many others. So our primary aim would be to control this dreaded process of Allergy.